Saturday, August 27, 2011

"The most important part of the story is the piece of it you don't know" - Barbara Kingsolver

Wow, how much do I not know about my story . . . ? A whole lot, and I'm kind of loving it. I am sitting in the Toronto Pearson airport, with four and a half hours until I take off for Roma and I am running the emotional gamut. I am so excited for this new adventure, but still have feelings of anxiety, nervousness and fear.

One thing that has consistently helped me be excited is my attempt to learn Italian - I have a book, a couple of free apps on my iPod, and some audiotapes that I put onto my iPod (Thanks Spanish River Public Library). Not only is practicing Italian something practical for me to do, but it also is studying, something that always calms me down and provides me with focus. I am such a nerd! As of now though, I could have a conversation in which I explain that I don't speak Italian, so somewhat helpful, but a far cry from where I'd like to be. I'm really looking forward to getting there and practicing, and to taking Italian classes at the school - it should also help me bond with some of the new students.

The idea of leaving Florida has been much harder to deal with than I had ever anticipated; I've moved so many times previously, one would think I would have a better handle on it than I do. I've really made a life down here though, and I will really miss my friends, colleagues, and the area. My time at Lynn University had its ups and downs, as I've had everywhere else, and as I'm sure I will experience in Florence. But overall I know that coming to work at Lynn was the best professional decision I could have made when I left UCLA. I've had so many opportunities and I have learned so much about working in student affairs, about myself, about being a professional. I was unsure if starting the Women's Center was the right move for me, but two years later I know it was. I know it is time to move on, to gain new experiences and perspective, and I'm excited for that, but I'll miss lots of things, mostly people, from Boca Raton (and surrounding areas - Slumville!, Wellington!, etc)

The scope and ability of technology is making the transition appear easier, hopefully this will actually turn out to be the case. In addition to email access, I will be able to see and talk with people over Skype, be able to keep up with events, changes, thoughts, on facebook, and travel becoming easier and easier. I hope that my Skype contact book grows in the next few weeks, as I know I will need people with familiar voices and faces to help ground me and help me to make sure I choose a positive attitude.

My plane lands in Roma on Sunday morning, I will then take two trains and a taxi to my new apartment. Monday I need to get all the paperwork in order to be able to start work on Tuesday! On Saturday we fly to Berlin to prepare for the arrival of the students, who fly in on Monday, when Orientation and Opening Tour start - we'll spend the subsequent nine days traveling around Germany, with stops into Austria and the Czech Republic.

If you're reading this, please keep in touch via email, Skype or snail mail - I would love to hear from you.

With love,

1 comment:

  1. That's my daughter, so full of insight, I'm so proud and excited for you and wish you the happiness and success in Florence that you truly deserve!
